Our law firm serves clients in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and throughout southwest Michigan.

Michigan criminal attorney can help with drunk driving defense

During this time of the year, it seems more people participate in social engagements. As many of these engagements may involve alcohol, there may be, at times, an increased police presence in an attempt to safeguard drivers and other users of the roadways from drivers who may have been imbibing. Fortunately, there is help for people in Michigan who have been accused of driving under the influence and need help mounting a drunk driving defense.

The attorneys at David G. Moore have multiple years of experience with charges involving driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the past, our experienced attorneys have been able to help some people facing their first driving under the influence charge off their records. We may be able to work toward the same outcome for you, depending on the circumstances of your case.

While first-time offenders may have a better chance of keeping such charges off their records, second and third offenders will likely need assistance from an attorney with experience regarding complicated cases or suspected repeat offenders. In Michigan, any conviction related to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the last seven years will count as a prior offense. Second and third offenses can come with harsher penalties, including fines, jail and community service, among others.

The attorneys at David G. Moore have extensive experience with criminal cases in Michigan. As as result, we can examine the details of your case and help mount a drunk driving defense. An experienced attorney may be especially necessary if you have prior convictions related to driving under the influence. If you are facing drunk driving charges, especially a repeat charge, we can advise you in regard to the course of action that could lead to a fair resolution of your case.

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