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Can Michigan DNA evidence be challenged?

Michiganders who have watched the Netflix series, “Making a Murderer” may have their eyes opened to the reality of false convictions and the importance of a strong criminal defense. When accused of a crime, particularly a violent crime, it is imperative to confront the charges as fully prepared as possible. Accused individuals who fail to do this could be facing penalties that include years, perhaps even decades, behind bars. In other words, the stakes are high, and an accused individual should prepare his or her defense accordingly.

One issue that often comes up in high-profile, violent crimes is DNA evidence. The methods for analyzing DNA have become incredibly reliable over the years, and prosecutors often rely on such evidence for convictions. After all, the police can collect DNA from a number of different sources, and prosecutors can use its existence to tie a defendant to a crime scene.

Those who are aware of high profile cases involving DNA evidence may feel that once DNA is discovered, the case is over. The prosecution has won. This most certainly is not the case. Though it can be difficult to challenge the results of a DNA test, it is quite possible to challenge the collection and processing practices utilized in the case. If DNA evidence is shown to be mishandled, it might be deemed unreliable and therefore inadmissible against a criminal defendant.

So, what does this mean for those facing criminal allegations? It means that they need to know how to identify improper DNA collection and handling. Some legal professionals are skilled at this, and can prove extremely beneficial in a court of law. Therefore, those in need of legal assistance may want to consider their options as it relates to an attorney.

Source: FindLaw.com, “How DNA Evidence Works,” accessed on Feb. 5, 2016

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