Our law firm serves clients in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and throughout southwest Michigan.

Our firm competently handles DUI evidentiary issues

In the big picture of criminal law, where allegations of murder, rape and hate crimes can be made, drunk driving may seem like a relatively minor offense. Yet, for many Michiganders, a DUI charge and subsequent conviction can cause significant damage to their lives. Their reputation can be damaged, their driving privileges suspended or revoked and they might wind up facing jail time and fines. This can drastically impact their personal and professional lives, perhaps even leading to the loss of one’s job.

With so much at stake, those facing drunk driving charges need to prepare a solid legal defense, if one hopes to beat the allegations. There are many elements to a strong legal defense. The accused can try to challenge the legality of the initial traffic stop, the accuracy of any blood-alcohol concentration tests and the appropriateness and effectiveness of any field sobriety tests.

To challenge these aspects of a DUI charge, the accused need a strong foundational approach to evidentiary legal issues. These can be complicated matters, but crucial to beating criminal charges.

The legal team at David G. Moore, Attorney at Law, are well-versed at handling evidentiary issues. We know the rules of evidence and can apply them to the facts of the case at hand. We fight to get damaging evidence deemed dismissed and minimize the impact of evidence submitted by the prosecutor.

Additionally, we help our clients develop a legal strategy that fits their unique set of circumstance. We can identify crucial evidence, key witnesses and pertinent case law that can have an impact on our clients’ cases. Armed with aggressive and zealous advocacy, and knowledge of the law, we fight for our clients to protect their well-being and future to the fullest extent possible.

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