Our law firm serves clients in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and throughout southwest Michigan.

Calculated Weapons Offenses Attorneys
in Kentwood, MI

Experienced Grand Rapids weapons offense lawyer offers aggressive defense strategies for clients facing charges related to firearms and weapons offenses, ensuring protection of their constitutional rights and providing expert legal representation.

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It’s possible to pick up a weapons-related charge for a lot of different reasons in Kentwood, MI, from failing to have the appropriate permit for hunting moose to selling open-bolt Uzis on the black market. If you find yourself accused of any type of weapons violation, you’re going to need intelligent, experienced legal representation, and the sooner, the better. Your best move right now is to call the David G. Moore Law Firm. Our no-nonsense attorneys have the knowledge and other key resources needed to help you effectively navigate this situation.

Former Prosecutor Turned Criminal Defense Lawyer

David G. Moore is a former assistant prosecutor of both St. Joseph and Cass counties. He has deep knowledge of how prosecutorial teams approach weapons charges in Kentwood and surrounding communities, and he develops masterful strategies to litigate every case. Attorney Moore and his team of top-rated criminal defense lawyers are intense advocates who ceaselessly fight in court for their clients’ rights.

It’s best that you do not discuss the details of your case with anybody except your attorneys here at the David G. Moore Law Firm. Call us today to schedule a free initial appointment to discuss your specific charges and situation. We’ll sit down with you and give you accurate advice about how to best proceed with your case. Allow our effective, compassionate attorneys to help you enjoy less stress and achieve the best results.

Winning Strategies for Every Case

Explore Our Practice Areas

Weapons Offenses


Powerhouse Defense Team
Each member of our team of criminal defense lawyers is fully dedicated to achieving the most positive results for each of our clients. Allow us to strategize the most effective courtroom attack to protect your future.
Client Focused Solutions
We understand that every person and every weapon charge situation is unique in various ways. We’ll take time to understand your particular situation so that we can most effectively represent you in front of the judge.
Proven Defense Strategies
Our team of highly qualified criminal defense lawyers has many decades of combined experience in representing clients with weapons charges of all types. Trust in our proven tactics to deliver optimal results.

Defend Your Rights With D.G. Moore

Over 10,000 Cases Successfully Handled

Experience matters. Trust us to protect your furture
Informed Decision-Making for

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I have my gun rights reinstated after a weapons offense guilty verdict?
    That depends on the specifics of your particular case, whether you've had previous weapons charges, your criminal history besides weapons charges, and whether your charges involved violence. After you have completed all the penalties assigned in court for your weapons charge, you can petition the court to restore your gun rights, but there's no guarantee.
  • What’s the most efficient and painless way to deal with a weapons charge in Kentwood, MI?
    If you want to create the most positive outcome from this unfortunate situation, we recommend that you call our office and schedule a consultation appointment, right away. The sooner you get our experienced team of criminal defense attorneys on your case, the better prepared we’ll be to defend you in the courtroom.
  • What evidence can be examined and challenged in my weapons crime case?
    Some of the evidence against you might be questionable, and we may be able to get it thrown out of court. Some examples include the validity of scientific findings, DNA testing, digital evidence, witness testimonies, and modeling techniques by forensic teams. Every case is unique, and we'll discuss the details of yours during your consultation.
  • How can I protect my future from a weapons felony guilty verdict?
    While being found guilty of a weapons charge in Kentwood, Michigan, is certainly a very serious matter, our skillful attorneys might be able to help you benefit from the state's Clean Slate Law. If you're eligible, there's a chance that we could have your weapon charges expunged, meaning your conviction would be hidden from public records.