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Hastings smoke shop owner charged with drug possession

A local resident was pulled over by state police in February and arrested for cocaine possession after the police searched his car and say they found the drug. The man, who owns a smoke shop in Hastings, Michigan, had been pulled over by the police twice before in October 2011. On both of those occasions, the police said they found drugs in his car, which they forwarded to the police crime lab for testing.

After the man posted bail for his February arrest, the lab results came back. The lab alleged that the drugs included amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana and illegal designer drugs like spice and bath salts. However, police said they didn’t know if the man sold or manufactured drugs in his store. According to the man’s attorney, the shop owner was transporting the drugs home because of a recent law that made certain designer drugs illegal to sell. The attorney also pointed out that when he was pulled over, he gave the police permission to search his car.

In all, the smoke shop owner faces eight drug-related charges. However, like anybody accused of a crime, he is innocent until proven guilty. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for the first week of March. Like many people charged with drug-related crimes, the man may choose to challenge the circumstances of the investigation, arrest, search and seizure. After all, conviction on drug charges can have far-reaching consequences. Not only can they result in jail time, but they can affect employment, education and many other areas of one’s life.

Source: WOOD-TV, “Smoke shop owner facing drug charges,” Crystal Hilliard, Feb. 29, 2012

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David G. Moore is a highly experienced criminal defense attorney in Michigan. With a Juris Doctor from Thomas M. Cooley Law School and experience as a former assistant prosecutor, he brings unique insights to his practice. David’s career spans the entire spectrum of criminal defense, from minor infractions to complex felonies.

He has successfully handled cases in state and federal courts, including pre-indictment investigations, jury trials, and appeals. Licensed in Michigan and Arizona, David’s approach combines mitigation efforts with intense litigation preparation. His diverse legal experience has established him as a trusted and authoritative voice in Michigan’s legal community.

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