Our law firm serves clients in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and throughout southwest Michigan.

Capable OWI / DUI Defense Attorney in Wyoming, MI

Experienced Grand Rapids traffic violations lawyer offers expert legal representation for clients facing traffic-related charges, providing aggressive defense strategies and protecting their driving privileges in court proceedings.

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Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious charge that can have detrimental effects on your life for years to come. The possible penalties of a guilty verdict in a DUI case in Michigan are more serious than ever before. If you’re a repeat offender, you can go to prison. And even if it’s your first offense, you face the possibility of jail time, heavy fines, having your driving privileges suspended, probation, community service, and more as the judge sees fit.

Successful Defense Against All Types of Drunk Driving Charges

The group of highly respected DUI attorneys at the David G. Moore Law Firm tenaciously advocate for our clients in and near Wyoming, Michigan. We’ve handled thousands of DUI cases, and we approach every one of them with the full intention of achieving the best possible outcomes. Regardless of the particular type of drunk driving charge in front of you, and even if you’ve had multiple charges before, our experienced team of attorneys is ready to fight for your rights.

Winning Strategies for Every Case

Explore Our Practice Areas

Drunk Driving


Powerhouse Defense Team
Instead of self-representing in court, and probably not being very happy about the results, allow our top -team of DUI attorneys to represent you. You’ll be glad about the decision.
Client Focused Solutions
We encourage you to come in and sit down with one of our DUI attorneys in Wyoming, Michigan, and discuss your best options. We’ll explore all the details of your case to strategize the most intelligent solution.
Proven Defense Strategies
We’ve successfully represented thousands of DUI clients, and you can count on systematic, strategic, effective advocacy from our top-rated attorneys.

Defend Your Rights With D.G. Moore

Over 10,000 Cases Successfully Handled

Experience matters. Trust us to protect your furture
Informed Decision-Making for

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will David G. Moore Law Firm lawyers strategize my DUI defense?
    Our DUI strategy for your case will focus on litigation and damage control. We'll disclose to the court whether there was probable cause for you to be arrested, if field sobriety assessments were properly performed, if the breathalyzer machine was calibrated correctly, and rather every other single procedural detail was closely adhered to.
  • I refused a breathalyzer. What happens now?
    You have the right to refuse a breathalyzer, but when you do, in Michigan, it means that your driver’s license will be automatically suspended.
  • What are my possible defenses against a drunk driving accusation?
    Each case is unique, but our skillful attorneys will consider variables including the arresting officer’s conduct, the breath testing equipment’s precision, and the arresting officer's ability to accurately decipher the test results.
  • Will a DUI guilty verdict increase my car insurance premiums?
    It typically does, even if it was your first DUI conviction. In some cases, insurance premiums can increase more than 200%. That's another reason it's important to carefully select the DUI attorney you choose to work with.
  • What are the most likely penalties of a drunk driving conviction?
    If this is your first DUI conviction, and you don't have an extensive criminal history otherwise, the maximum penalties you could face will be up to 93 days in jail, a $5000 fine, driving privilege suspension for up to 180 days, and as many as 360 hours of community service.
  • How can I schedule a conference with a David G. Moore Law Firm lawyer?
    You can do that easily and quickly by calling 269-466-1501, or by filling out our convenient online contact form. Come in and sit down with us. We'll discuss your case and offer you precise advice about how to achieve the best results.

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